Christian Book Publishing
Since 2003 icdat Productions has created, produced, and distributed Christian children's books designed to teach and inspire children to love the Lord through learning and obeying His Word. Books in hard and soft cover, iBook, and Kindle are available through icdat's store and Amazon.
In 2020 icdat established Little i Publishing, a division dedicated to developing and publishing companion curriculum for its children’s book series, including a brand new comic strip series created as a discipleship tool for parents and teachers in every educational setting, from homeschools to Sunday schools, youth groups and Christian schools.
2020 will see the roll out of more comics for a broader audience. Stay tuned!
Author, Carla Varner
The Theodore and All God's Creatures series began as comic strips I was developing for my church’s youth newsletter. As I worked on the comic strips they evolved into children’s books. When God gave me the concept for Theodore I was thrilled. I loved the idea of a little boy who loves the Lord so much that he tries his very best to obey Him. And even though he gets a little mixed up and does some pretty silly things what matters most is that he was trying to please God. I believe that’s the heart God is looking for in all of His children.
The primary theme of the Theodore books is obedience. Children learn that to love the Lord is to obey Him. The All God’s Creatures series focuses on character and emotions. These stories tackle the issues that we
“... the lowercase “i” in icdat, Little i Design, and Little i Publishing is purposeful. It was done to reflect God’s greatness and my smallness ...”